What to Expect with Invisalign®

Depending on the complexity of your case, you could complete your treatment in as little as 6 months. But you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks.



Start your Invisalign® journey with a digital scan, one x-ray and a consultation. It won’t cost you anything. You’ll find out if a short course of Invisalign™ is right for you. We will go over how much it will cost and how long it will take to get the smile you want.



Your custom aligners will arrive within a couple weeks. We will go over how and when to wear them. You’ll likely have some clear attachments placed on your teeth that help us make precise movements. We also may polish your teeth in some areas to allow crowding to resolve. After that you will wear your aligners for 22 hours a day. Many patients are surprised at how quickly their smile starts to change.



Invisalign® is the most advanced clear braces on the market. Start your journey with us, you are going to love your smile. Your consultation is a complimentary service we provide to all future Invisalign™ patients.

Don’t just smile.


Your consultation is a complementary service we provide to all future Invisalign® patients.